Our Fee Structures
Do you have questions about legal claim fees?
Our Legal Fee Structure
Invariably if we believe a claim has sufficient prospects of success we will agree to act under a Conditional Fee Agreement (also known as a “no win, no fee arrangement). Claims fall in to two categories in terms of costs recovery in the event that a claim is successful, namely claims in which a fixed fee is recoverable and claims in which Court-assessed fees are recoverable from opponents if the figure cannot be agreed.
In fixed fee cases the fixed fee is unlikely to cover all the basic costs and the success fee is not capable of being recovered. However, we agree to limit any shortfall and success fee to no more than 25% of the damages recovered for past loss including pain and suffering. Any shortfall in Court-assessed fee cases is also so limited.
Our basic charge rates from 1 April 2023 will be as follows: –

Grade A charging rate for solicitors with over 8 years’ experience will be £255/hour.

Grade A charging rate for solicitors with over 8 years’ experience will be £275/hour.

Grade A charging rate for solicitors with over 8 years’ experience will be £350/hour.

Our Commitment to Client Satisfaction
You have the right to make a complaint to us and this firm has a written complaints procedure that will be sent to you upon request. In accordance with our complaints procedure complaints are handled promptly, fairly and effectively.
Any complaint will be handled by Marc Folgate and should be addressed to him in writing. This includes any complaint relating to a bill issued by the firm.
If you feel that our complaints procedure does not achieve a satisfactory resolution upon its conclusion (and in this regard your complaint should be resolved within 6 weeks) you have a right to complain to the Legal Ombudsman. Any such complaint should be brought within 6 months of the conclusion of our internal complaints process. The address of the Legal Ombudsman is:-
PO Box 680
0300 555 0333 by telephone or at www.legalombudsman.org.uk
You may also have a right to object to any bill by applying to the Court for an assessment of the bill under Part III of the Solicitors Act 1974.
To find out what funding options can be offered in your case get in touch with Folgate Legal